Saturday, 29 October 2011

A matter of time?

In behalf of Gunn

Tuesday, 1st Nov
17:30 - 19:00
Eetcafe t Koetshuys Groningen

The idea is to let us inspire by the Open Your Mind event on "The scientific search for ET".
From my first year of physics I learned that we can calculate the number of detectable extraterrestrial civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy N:
N = R*f_p*n_e*f_l*f_i*f_c*L = about 10

Will someone go to the event Monday? I have drawing class at the time. For those of us not going, prepare something to contribute in a different way.


  1. It was not my priority today but I'll try to. Will you draw an alien and show us tomorrow? (i may need your skill...ask me later)

  2. During the successful Tertulia yesterday we talked about:

    Outside earth intelligent life
    Aliens and impressions/hallucinations
    Aliens and mountains/sea/"The sick child"
    Aliens and the feeling of happiness
    Aliens and the need for "comfort"
    Aliens as possible superior to human
    Aliens and economics
    Aliens and language
    Aliens and communication
    Aliens in the form of "men in black"
    Aliens and God
    Aliens and the church
    Aliens and rabbits
    Aliens and blindness
    Aliens and the hunan brain

  3. Our Guardian Aliens.

    In what way discovering or finding aliens will (or is already...or will not...) be a big narcissistic wound for us Homo Sapiens Sapiens? I am adapting Freud's idea that there are 3 narcissistic wounds in western culture: Copernicus, Darwin and Freud himself. I am not so sure about the so called non-western cultures but i suspect this wound could be culture-independent.

  4. Gunn...about the plants :)
    very quickly:
    - don't quite remember but maybe is Stefano Mancuso's talk what i meant (i have to check but this is one is nice) ;
    - tuesday i also remembered some sci-fi: a movie-The thing from another world (1951); comics book-the swamp thing...
    ...mmmm.....many dots....
